A. Make sure nobody is looking. B. Steal. |
In my optimistic, dreaming mind I was excited for my first assignment. Wow. Here's my chance. My time to shine. My first step to the rest of my life. Go me!
I put in hours of my time. I had to brainstorm, form, craft, and weave these words together so they could be read fluidly. I had to read and reread and re-reread until it sounded perfect. I had to make sure the average person could read it and comprehend my thoughts.
I sent the article to him a couple days ago and here I sit still waiting for the bill. Will he pay or will he scam me? Will he steal my work, not give me any credit for it, or pay me? Will I be a no name?
What if he does pull through? Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions. This is his first issue. Perhaps he is swamped with creating his own personal vision, just as I am. Am I a little too caught up in the money?
I just wanna be, I just wanna be, I just wanna be successful.
I remember my first article, it was only half a year ago that i wrote it, and now i'm working for Vice magazine and i'm fashion director of another magazine. keep up the good writing!
O_o I sure hope he won't scam you.